I am no science student.

You know you're a social science student as soon as any equation or exact answer has to come into effect. I am spending my 4 year Mount Allison Degree, working on a major in Anthropology(The science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.) So how did i get myself in this predicament you might ask yourself? During a 4 year degree, you must take 2 science courses to graduate and i was told that this would be the most interesting out of all of them ( Not informing me that there is math involved in the process to gaining the distribution course). I bring up the math because, it has been almost 3 entire years since i had to do an equation more then two lines long(it might sound pathetic but, its true!) This is my adventure and i invite you to follow me through the good times and the bad(hopefully they are all good, but i am a realist! :P)

Anyone hear that? The BIG bang. Last Post.

 So as this semester comes to a close, i would like to thank all of you readers, who have been keeping up to date with what has been occuring throughout this semester. This course has probably been one of the most time consuming courses out of my first year at Mount Allison University. But hard work and dedication pays off in the end!

 Last week i finished my last lab in this course ,which was pretty interesting and nice because it did not take very long to complete. I am hoping to continue my studies into the spring session and  further my credits, to hopefully complete my degree in a faster fashion. This semester has been rather interesting and very cold, as Sackville does not really warm up too significantly in these first few months of the year.  Today the weather has granted us with warmth of about + 10 C. There is still some snow on the ground in Sackville and across the maritime region. This snow hopefully will disapear as the sun forces its heat upon the ground and people of the maritimes, as we move into Summer ( i personally cannot wait till summer).

 The Eastern Region of Canada has now been affected by the inflation of gas prices. When i left British Columbia, gas prices where $1.30/ litre, and when i hit Alberta on my journey across Canada to come to lovely Sackville NB, gas prices where $.93/ litre and $.96/litre in Sackville. This month we have now reached the $1.20/litre mark in NB and $1.30 in NS. Which is scary as i own a truck haha. Maybe its time to sell it and get a car :(.

 This semester has deffintely been very interesting and informative. I am sorry to have to leave you so soon, but there is only 3 more classes left to the end of this semester and we will be going  to write our final exam in April, how lovely. I hope you all a happy summer and hopefully the Sun will come out in Sackville and across the maritimes and give us a very warm summer, that involves a lot of time spent at the sandy beaches. I cannot wait to go to the Beach Again!

Before i sign off for the LAST time, i would like to give you a brief overview of the Big Bang Theory.
The Big Bang theory is basically the explanation of how our Universe was created. Our Universe is said to be around 13.7 billion years old, and  is still expanding. The Big Bang theory is said to be the most scentifically backed and reasonable expanation of how our universe was created. Below is a picture that will kind of give you an idea of how this all advanced since this event occured.

Here is the picture that can sort of describe visually, how the Big Bang started and how it evolved throughout the billions of years.

 What other theories where scientists viewing and considering in the past?

 There was a point in time(history), when many sceintists in the science community were drawn between two different ways of explaining how exactly the Universe came to be. These scientists were drawn between the Big Bang theory and different alternative cosmological models.  Through more advanced observations and evidence, most scientists in the sceintific community, see the Big Bang theory as the most viable explanation of how our Universe started and advanced. The data that continues to support this theory has been gathered and collected throughout the years, which continues to give stronger support to this particular theory/explanation

 This was my last post on this blog. I hope you all have enjoyed the posts and have found them both entertaining and interesting to read. Have a great summer people!

Friday Night and the Hubble Space Telescope.

 This week has been rather interesting to say the least. I was finally able to complete my constellation testing on the 23rd. Didn't do as well as i would have wanted, but i was unable to reschedule due to my weeks schedule, which we will touch base on later in this post. When i went down for the testing, the sky was nice and clear, but that quickly changed to our demise.  I arrived at the constellation testing spot at around 850-9pm at night. At around 930-45, the clouds started to overtake the sky, starting with the constellation of Cassiopeia and the star Capella, working itself down towards the constellation of Orion.

 As the week came to a close on Friday, i had to report for duty at 1900 in Moncton. As we left the Tim Hortens in Sackville NB, our convoy headed for CFB Aldershot on a weekend Ex. At around 20:45 our convoy experienced the effects of Nova Scotia black ice. The lead vehicle slid and flipped off the highway, during the same time my police car also got dragged off the highway, ending up sideways in a ditch, with our trailer flipped over and totaled. After coming to a stop we confirmed everyone's safety, including other civilian drivers., who also went off the main Highway. After 5 hrs of outside weather, 4 hrs in a Hospital, and another 4 hrs before we headed home, it was the most eventful weekend Ex, i have ever participated in. And a day after, i am entering this blog, before the deadline hits. For this blog entry i would like to touch on the Hubble Space Telescope.

The only Vehicle that didn't crash)

 As for the Hubble Space Telescope.

 The Hubble Space Telescope was built by NASA and brought into orbit within the 1990's. The Hubble Space Telescope was not the first telescope to have been put into space, but it has been known as one of the most vital and important telescopes to scientists.

 Unique features about the Hubble Space Telescope:

 - First ever telescope to be designed to be serviced in space.
 - The mission duration of this telescope was set at around 20 years ( which is overdue right now)
 - Had four servicing missions to date ( 1993, 1997, 1999, and 2000)
 - The Hubble Space telescope was about 43 feet in length, weighed approx 24,000 lbs, and had a diameter of 14 feet.

 This telescope was able to provide us with unique photographs and the ability to provide imaging possibilities to view distant and far away galaxies, that were not viewable to ground telescopes at the time. This telescope was a big step forward in its versatile design and imaging systems, which delivered advancement and knowledge to not only the space community, but to public in general.

 Stay tuned for next weeks blog, hopefully it doesn't include anymore accidents haha.


Spectral Lines

 So another week went by, school is coming to a close for this semester. Our class had its second midterm the other week. Cold Sackville is starting to warm up, we finally are getting temperatures in the plus, instead of minus. This means that the over amount of snow that resided outside, is slowly disappearing. This class requires a constellation test to be completed, but several weeks have passed, and there has not been a clear night, that i was scheduled on, it either rained or was to cloudy to take the testing. Our class will try again next week. Hopefully we can get this done, and not have to think about it anymore. As per this blog, i plan on touching on the topic of spectral lines.

Here is a picture of what spectral lines look like and the three types to be discussed.

First  we have Continuous spectrum which basically represents all wavelengths that are present within certain limits. Continuous spectrum usually occurs when electrons undergo free bound transitions within hot gas.

Second we have emission lines. This type of spectrum is formed by electromagnetic radiations emitted by different sources.
Third is absorption spectrum. Absorption spectrum is the spectrum that is formed by electromagnetic radiation, which has passed through a medium in which radiation of certain frequencies is absorbed, as seen in the image below.
This is where i sign off. Hopefully, you were able to grasp the definitions of these spectrum and lines. Till next week. Hopefully the snow will be gone by the end of this month.