I am no science student.

You know you're a social science student as soon as any equation or exact answer has to come into effect. I am spending my 4 year Mount Allison Degree, working on a major in Anthropology(The science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.) So how did i get myself in this predicament you might ask yourself? During a 4 year degree, you must take 2 science courses to graduate and i was told that this would be the most interesting out of all of them ( Not informing me that there is math involved in the process to gaining the distribution course). I bring up the math because, it has been almost 3 entire years since i had to do an equation more then two lines long(it might sound pathetic but, its true!) This is my adventure and i invite you to follow me through the good times and the bad(hopefully they are all good, but i am a realist! :P)

Spectral Lines

 So another week went by, school is coming to a close for this semester. Our class had its second midterm the other week. Cold Sackville is starting to warm up, we finally are getting temperatures in the plus, instead of minus. This means that the over amount of snow that resided outside, is slowly disappearing. This class requires a constellation test to be completed, but several weeks have passed, and there has not been a clear night, that i was scheduled on, it either rained or was to cloudy to take the testing. Our class will try again next week. Hopefully we can get this done, and not have to think about it anymore. As per this blog, i plan on touching on the topic of spectral lines.

Here is a picture of what spectral lines look like and the three types to be discussed.

First  we have Continuous spectrum which basically represents all wavelengths that are present within certain limits. Continuous spectrum usually occurs when electrons undergo free bound transitions within hot gas.

Second we have emission lines. This type of spectrum is formed by electromagnetic radiations emitted by different sources.
Third is absorption spectrum. Absorption spectrum is the spectrum that is formed by electromagnetic radiation, which has passed through a medium in which radiation of certain frequencies is absorbed, as seen in the image below.
This is where i sign off. Hopefully, you were able to grasp the definitions of these spectrum and lines. Till next week. Hopefully the snow will be gone by the end of this month.


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