I am no science student.

You know you're a social science student as soon as any equation or exact answer has to come into effect. I am spending my 4 year Mount Allison Degree, working on a major in Anthropology(The science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.) So how did i get myself in this predicament you might ask yourself? During a 4 year degree, you must take 2 science courses to graduate and i was told that this would be the most interesting out of all of them ( Not informing me that there is math involved in the process to gaining the distribution course). I bring up the math because, it has been almost 3 entire years since i had to do an equation more then two lines long(it might sound pathetic but, its true!) This is my adventure and i invite you to follow me through the good times and the bad(hopefully they are all good, but i am a realist! :P)

Lightspeed..... Ever wanted to explore the galaxy?

Star Trek Voyager if anyone is a star trek fan.... (I'm not)... Can go Warp 9.7 which equals to almost 900 x the speed of light.

How fast is light speed?

299 792 458 m / s

 That's pretty fast eh.... 

The speed at which light travels in a vacuum; the constancy and universality of the speed of light is recognized by defining it to be exactly 299,792,458 meters per second (dictionary.com 2011). We have mastered the concept of the speed of sound which is 340.29 m / s, this is approximately 299,732, 118 slower then the speed of light.. ( if you ever wondered). 

There is a example of a F-18 going the speed of sound. Now to take that for instance in context with speed of light.... well there is no comparison.  

  Just wanted to pause and talk about how the class is going. Well, interesting fact... about 30% of the class bombed the exam....... Pretty bad huh... We spent a whole tutorial discussing the test. Every class it seems, 1 less person attends (i personally have not missed a class yet!). It has almost have made it through a full University Year. Physics class has been probably the hardest class in regards to math and science ( which i said i was not very good in, earlier), but i will push through.  When i finish this year, i will probably go on a field school or work for a little bit( gotta pay off this student loan haha). It is still cold here, there were dump trucks and heavy equipment here the other day, removing snow from campus, i know its crazy. 

 Well, anyways back to this speed of light thing. 

haha, yea not really.... ( ever notice how i give you guys a lot of photos and stuff to look at, haha, well its because it makes this blog  more interesting, for you and me)

That gives you an idea of how fast light speed really is.  Eventually one day we will master the art of going that fast, but for tonight, i am logging off. Cya.


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