I am no science student.

You know you're a social science student as soon as any equation or exact answer has to come into effect. I am spending my 4 year Mount Allison Degree, working on a major in Anthropology(The science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.) So how did i get myself in this predicament you might ask yourself? During a 4 year degree, you must take 2 science courses to graduate and i was told that this would be the most interesting out of all of them ( Not informing me that there is math involved in the process to gaining the distribution course). I bring up the math because, it has been almost 3 entire years since i had to do an equation more then two lines long(it might sound pathetic but, its true!) This is my adventure and i invite you to follow me through the good times and the bad(hopefully they are all good, but i am a realist! :P)

Types of Binary Star Systems. Find waldo anyone?

Kinda the same concept with stars, don't you agree?
Here are the three Binary Star Systems, i would like to talk about on this post.

That's the Sirius Binary System.                                     Not the RADIO!!! HA!

1ST!!!!!!!!!!( Trying to make this entertaining, work with me)


What is a visual binary??? Hmmm. Lets put it this way. If you where to look through a telescope, an visual binary star system would look like a double star, due to the angular separation between two components, becomes great enough, which would result in the observer seeing a double star. Which star is brighter in the two?? The primary, of course :/ !! So that would make the other the secondary, hierarchy sucks huh.


These binaries are so close to the observer can see them orbit in their line of sight. Pretty cool stuff huh.  Some of their light is blocked as one star eclipses the other. Kinda like hide and seek. :P. Famous eclipsing star is the Algol or aka "Demon Star".

Final one i want to discuss, then maybe ill tell you about some interesting times in University.

Spectroscopic Binary.

 What is this ??? Oh its what you would have, if you can not class a binary system as neither Visual or Eclipsing. The world is coming to a end, but not right now. You have to learn about this.

This type of binary system is usually to far away to be distinguished, by a telescope.  Their Binary nature thus can usually be defined by one of two ,  First: Through Doppler Shift or Two: Their spectral lines.

That's the types of Binary Systems i wanted to touch base on this post. 

Spectroscopic Binary.

Fun Fun Fun.... Where is my Sun???? Want to see where i am?

HAHAHA.... YEA RIGHT!!! I'm in New Brunswick........ 3 More years.....

That's more like it. Cold Cold Cold.


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