I am no science student.

You know you're a social science student as soon as any equation or exact answer has to come into effect. I am spending my 4 year Mount Allison Degree, working on a major in Anthropology(The science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.) So how did i get myself in this predicament you might ask yourself? During a 4 year degree, you must take 2 science courses to graduate and i was told that this would be the most interesting out of all of them ( Not informing me that there is math involved in the process to gaining the distribution course). I bring up the math because, it has been almost 3 entire years since i had to do an equation more then two lines long(it might sound pathetic but, its true!) This is my adventure and i invite you to follow me through the good times and the bad(hopefully they are all good, but i am a realist! :P)

Lightspeed..... Ever wanted to explore the galaxy?

Star Trek Voyager if anyone is a star trek fan.... (I'm not)... Can go Warp 9.7 which equals to almost 900 x the speed of light.

How fast is light speed?

299 792 458 m / s

 That's pretty fast eh.... 

The speed at which light travels in a vacuum; the constancy and universality of the speed of light is recognized by defining it to be exactly 299,792,458 meters per second (dictionary.com 2011). We have mastered the concept of the speed of sound which is 340.29 m / s, this is approximately 299,732, 118 slower then the speed of light.. ( if you ever wondered). 

There is a example of a F-18 going the speed of sound. Now to take that for instance in context with speed of light.... well there is no comparison.  

  Just wanted to pause and talk about how the class is going. Well, interesting fact... about 30% of the class bombed the exam....... Pretty bad huh... We spent a whole tutorial discussing the test. Every class it seems, 1 less person attends (i personally have not missed a class yet!). It has almost have made it through a full University Year. Physics class has been probably the hardest class in regards to math and science ( which i said i was not very good in, earlier), but i will push through.  When i finish this year, i will probably go on a field school or work for a little bit( gotta pay off this student loan haha). It is still cold here, there were dump trucks and heavy equipment here the other day, removing snow from campus, i know its crazy. 

 Well, anyways back to this speed of light thing. 

haha, yea not really.... ( ever notice how i give you guys a lot of photos and stuff to look at, haha, well its because it makes this blog  more interesting, for you and me)

That gives you an idea of how fast light speed really is.  Eventually one day we will master the art of going that fast, but for tonight, i am logging off. Cya.


Types of Binary Star Systems. Find waldo anyone?

Kinda the same concept with stars, don't you agree?
Here are the three Binary Star Systems, i would like to talk about on this post.

That's the Sirius Binary System.                                     Not the RADIO!!! HA!

1ST!!!!!!!!!!( Trying to make this entertaining, work with me)


What is a visual binary??? Hmmm. Lets put it this way. If you where to look through a telescope, an visual binary star system would look like a double star, due to the angular separation between two components, becomes great enough, which would result in the observer seeing a double star. Which star is brighter in the two?? The primary, of course :/ !! So that would make the other the secondary, hierarchy sucks huh.


These binaries are so close to the observer can see them orbit in their line of sight. Pretty cool stuff huh.  Some of their light is blocked as one star eclipses the other. Kinda like hide and seek. :P. Famous eclipsing star is the Algol or aka "Demon Star".

Final one i want to discuss, then maybe ill tell you about some interesting times in University.

Spectroscopic Binary.

 What is this ??? Oh its what you would have, if you can not class a binary system as neither Visual or Eclipsing. The world is coming to a end, but not right now. You have to learn about this.

This type of binary system is usually to far away to be distinguished, by a telescope.  Their Binary nature thus can usually be defined by one of two ,  First: Through Doppler Shift or Two: Their spectral lines.

That's the types of Binary Systems i wanted to touch base on this post. 

Spectroscopic Binary.

Fun Fun Fun.... Where is my Sun???? Want to see where i am?

HAHAHA.... YEA RIGHT!!! I'm in New Brunswick........ 3 More years.....

That's more like it. Cold Cold Cold.

Corona anyone? Sure. Whats that? Science. HAHA sucker!

IS that what you were thinking? Me too! But, apparently that doesn't have much to do with the topic of discussion.  The corona that we are going to be discussing is the type of plasma or atmosphere of our Sun or other Celestial Body!

Pretty cool eh? Next time you're out on the town , ask for that loop to go with your Corona. Bartender will prob give you a lemon. But, anyways, this is a Corona LOOP. Sounds like some kinda party game. Apparently a corona loop is a kind of basic structure of a magnetic solar Corona. What does that mean??? Great, lets get into it. Corona loops can precede solar flares or a CME ( Corona mass ejection). Enough on our lemon addition.

 One of the remarkable qualities of the Corona is its high temperature. The outer atmosphere of the sun is the Corona, and this corona is formed by loops of hot gas arching thousands of miles in height.
 The unique thing about this corona is that it is so delicate, that one can only see it during a solar eclipse .

That's an eclipse if you didn't know haha.

Not The CAR!!!

 The sun is a pretty bright place, without it, life could be really dark haha. Thanks to dark matter. If you are interested in dark matter, please reference yourself to my first blog post, in which i discuss this particularly unique kind of matter, which is the reason outer space is the dark cold place, we see at night, and not as bright as the sun.  We are into February now within  this physics class. The first midterm has passed, and now we proceed into the further chapters. Mount Allison University , actually closed down for a day the other week, amazing, i know! University tip to staying alive within a full class schedule and while taking distribution courses you have little interest in , the answer is.... Coffee. haha.  I lived in New Brunswick for only several months, but this is certainly a winter province. Very Very cold and snowy. But, the other day it was 0 degrees C , so i know consider that warm. We have had some very clear nights for star gazing. But , i had to work instead haha. The fun life. Stay tuned for more of this adventurous blog. Ill try to keep it interesting. Thanks for tuning in.

Dear Newton, what do you mean by Universal Law of Gravitation?

 Oh Newton, what are we going to do without you. Well i know ill be fine, but lets try to explain your law.
Okay lets break this down shall we, that way non science oriented people can understand this.
So the concept basically entails that every particle of matter in the universe, attracts ever other part of matter. Confusing?? I know. I feel the same way. Lets blame it on the Apple! But, lets continue. 

So here is the equation!!

What is all these numbers and letters mean you must ask yourself, i know i did!

  • F is the force between the masses,
  • G is the gravitation constant
  • m1 is the first mass,
  • m2 is the second mass, and
  • r is the distance between the masses.
A formula still used today, but if you don't understand this, well to make you feel better, Newton did not know how gravity actually works! But, Einstein did! Check this video out!

Our textbook features 3 simple statements that are suppose to help summarize this law!

Here it goes!

---- " Every mass attracts every other mass through the force called gravity"
--- " The strength of gravitational force attracting any two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses. For example, doubling the mass of one object doubles the force of gravity between the two objects"
-- Finally!!! I know, i know! " The strength of gravity between two objects decreases with the square of the distance between their centers. We therefore say that the gravitational force follows an inverse square law. For example, doubling the distance between two objects weakens the force of gravity by factor of 2^2, or 4.

The way i understand this science law is that 1. its not in our constitution, so you can't get arrested if you don't want to follow it! Always a good fact. Lets take the planet and stars for example, we rotate on our axis, revolving. But, what stops us from flying away into the cold dark galaxy, is the kinda formal space agreement between planets, stars, etc, that says everyone has their own boundary, you may not cross! If we did not have this agreement or "gravity", nothing would stay in place. You put that bike down and it would fall through the ground into the obis, how happy would you're parents be then? Like to magnets when you put the wrong side together, they push away from each other, but they can also attract each other, that's kinda like this gravity thing, hopefully haha. So much explanation, hope this all made sense if not,  take a social science degree, no math really required!

Maybe archaeology? Can find some of these haha.Their working that gravity haha.


Milky way galaxy, NO its not full of milk!

So where are we you ask yourself? Well, one can say that their on planet Earth, but where is Earth you ask? In a galaxy, our particular galaxy, is the Milky Way. Before we get started on the Milk, i wanted to touch base on how this class is going. Well, science, math, and memorization is the key to success within this course. So if you're not into that, try Science 1001. So far i am pushing through, no such thing as failure in my books. Take it and go with it, is my motto. Do you learn anything in this class? TONS!, you're always learning, what you thought you knew, can be challenged and apparently science has an answer, sorry philosophy! Well, lets get back to the milky way on the this Saturday afternoon. Earth, humans, the sun, the moon, the stars we see, our all in the Milky Way Galaxy. How many planets are there in this milk path? Hundreds of Billions! That's probably a good indication, that we are not alone! Aliens could be out there, or maybe where the aliens :P.

Haha, funny eh. They can have the planet once where done. In the meantime, the games on.

Back to the seriousness grrr.

 The milky Way Galaxy you say?

There it is! Approximately 100,000 light years in Diameter! WOW, Can you run that fast?  I know i can!  Thickness ohhh, only about 1,000 light years!! Need's to get on that new A&E show , Heavy. Could lose a few light years :P.  The milky way is about 13-15 billion years old.

 Puts this galaxy into context, our galaxy is part of the local grouping of galaxies, which contains 50 other close net galaxies including the Andromeda galaxy.  The local group of galaxies is part of the Virgo Super cluster of galaxies.

Pretty Cool Eh. Check out this cool Pic :P.


Orion, where art thou?

During my previous lab, me and my colleagues were exploring the universe on star gazer, while exploring the constellations, we came across the constellation, Orion. This week i would like to touch on the significance and meaning of both an constellation, and in particular, Orion.   Constellations in our night's sky, where created by Greek's and a earlier world, which found meaning through the prominent stars in our night's sky, which they thought to represent an object or person (in Orion's case, the hunter).  Orion is an prominent constellation in the celestial sphere,and  one can see Orion throughout the world, within the night's sky on a clear day.  Orion is the most apparent constellation in our night's sky.  Orion the hunter originated from Greek Mythology. Greeks have played a very significant role in naming our worlds night sky, and explaining the meaning and actuality of the stars and objects within our sky.  One must wonder how confusing the stars, constellations, etc,  would have been for those individuals and the ones before them, at least we have physics class to help us explain it. If you can understand and memorize all the terms haha.

Litte video on Orion found on youtube. Stay in touch. Physics class isn't over yet!